
Archive for November, 2008

UPS wormhole

I remember seeing a commercial for UPS or FedEx a couple of years ago that showed someone touring the warehouse and asking a worker why they’re shipping was so fast.  His answer: wormholes.  A portal of sorts that cuts through space and time and comes out, back into our world in a new place.

I like thinking of the mail kind of like a portal.  A package exists in a place before it is shipped, and then it is sent whirling through space and time until is shows up again in an entirely different location.

I know that this is a bit of a stretch, but I’ve been thinking a lot about the mail since new guitar is being sent via UPS.  It is a 2008 Fender American Stratocaster featuring the Sienna Sunburst.  Wow, what a hot guitar.  I can’t wait to play it!  The timing is a bit hard because I should be doing lots of homework.  hmm… homework or guitar… hmm… bad or good?  lame or awesome?  what to choose, what to choose.

Anyway, in a wormhole somewhere it looks like this:



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Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast –

NUMBER 1: With a tablespoon measure – begin digging behind the house until enough ore has been uncovered.  Melt it down into malleable metal.  Find tree branch and cut it down.  Whittle branch and shape metal to make shovel.  Ok, now start digging again until enough ore is uncovered to melt it down and make a road bike – Also, while digging be thinking of how to make rubber for tires.  Next forge gears, pedals, spokes, wheels, chain, cables, derailers, brakes, etc.  Ok, then test ride it up to Hyalite Reservoir and back.  Stop by Practice Rock on the way and flash Cardiac Arete.

NUMBER 2: uhmm… clean my room.  (if you saw it, you would know)

NUMBER 3: build a mousetrap which, upon stepping on a pedestal a mechanism launches the mouse into space, toward the general vicinity of the moon in hopes they will band together and start a mouse world on the lunar surface.

NUMBER 4: Grow a bonsai tree and name it Janine.



NUMBER 5: Write a scifi series in assorted languages starting in Hebrew and ending in Cunniform.

NUMBER 6: Stop Planet X from hitting the earth in 2012.

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I really like Pullman’s idea of Dust…

especially in connection with the idea of the Collective Unconscious.  This can be seen throughout The Golden Compass.  It is interesting how Pullman depicts the Church in the story as trying to work against the work of studying Dust.  The reader is left to speculate if the Church knows what dust is, or just assumes that it is evil.

from stockterra.com

from stockterra.com

It will be interesting to find out where Pullman will go with this.  The story is obviously anti-established church, but I’m curious about why the church is wrong from Pullman’s perspective.  So far the Church is depicted as being extremely overbearing and judgmental but I guess I have to wait and see if there are any other direct connections to the established church in our world.

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Well, I believe that I’ll be giving my presentation on my paper on Monday.  I decided on doing the paper on Lucid Dreaming and Alice.  Reading stuff about lucid dreaming sparked some interest about connections between that and Alice.  Especially in relation to the idea of the “self.”

Often, when I try to lucid dream I awake upon realizing that I am in a dream.  Alice doesn’t do this, but maybe she never realizes that she is dreaming.  I don’t know, we’ll see what happens…

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Well, today I finished the Golden Compass after a three hour push.  I really enjoyed the story a lot.  Pullman is a great author who is very aware, it seems, of the story’s elements.  The first book was a fun, quick read and I’m excited to start the second book.

One of my favorite parts of the book was when Lyra came out to meet Iorek before he fights Iofur.  I am drawn to Iorek’s character because of his steadfastness.  In this scene, Lyra feels extremely bad for putting him in a position like this, she apologizes profusely.  However Iorek is amazed that she has tricked Iofur and knows then that he can doubtlessly beat him beacuse he has lost his bear sences.   He does trick Iofur eventually while fighting by acting that he was injured.  This scene is on p.256.  It is great how Iorek just walks in and begins talking to the bears like he owns the place.  Of course he does and everyone knows it after he gets done ripping Iofur to shreds.


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One of my favorite parts of the Golden Compass is when Lyra is evesdropping in the complex at Bolvanger.  She is above the ceiling tiles and trying hard not to make any noise.  For some reason, this part just had me on the edge.  I felt like I was actually trying hard not to move, spreading my weight across the supports hoping they would hold.  Listening in on the conversation about Mrs. Coultier’s intentions, I can’t help but let out a gasp as they say that she wanted to see the children being cut away from their daemons.  I cringed as she was pulled through the fragile tiles.  approx. page 202.

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Ideas for my term paper

I’m not exactly sure what I should do for my term paper.  In class I mentioned that I was thinking about doing something with portals.  I’m not sure if this is what I’m going to write about.  If it is, I need to find a specific topic relating to portals in some way.

I’ve also been thinking about finding some example of portals in the human psyche.  What is the relationship between the the human psyche and portals in stories like Alice and OZ?

We’ll see what happens.

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My Daemon

Well, I took a quiz to find out what form my daemon would be.  This is actually the second time I have taken this test.  The first time it was determined that my daemon would take the shape of a snow hare.  I liked that one.

This time however, I was given a Raven.  Hmm. .. I really don’t like ravens much.  nuts.  At least it can fly, that is pretty good.

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Dream Logic From Alice

dreamI started reading Through the Looking-Glass two days ago.   As I read, the words continually put me into a dream state – with dream logic.  In Garden of Live Flowers, the lines take me: “Just at this moment, somehow or other, they began to run.  Alice never could quite make out, in thinking it over afterwards, how it was that they began: all she remembers … ”

This struck me instantly.  I don’t know how many times my dreams have gone like that.  “somehow or other, they began to … ”  These lines are so ambiguously beautiful.  I have no doubt that in years to come, after having left many places, people and sights behind, I will look back in a moment of silent thought and use those exact words to explain vaults of years and shelves of time – somehow or other…

Or… Somehow or other I came to be ice skating on a balloon.  We rise higher and floated farther than I have ever been.  The pilot has abandoned ship, I know this but cannot see the empty basket below the envelope of hot air.  I am also quite aware of the torch-bearing mermaid being dragged along by a fishing line.  Is she in peril?  Or will she light up the whole thing?  I don’t know, I am at peace as we enter the clouds…

…Somehow or other…

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Every so often I suffer from sleep paralysis.  A quick explanation is this – Every time the body goes into its REM cycle it first paralyzes the body so that the dreamer does not act out the dream physically.  The eyes are the only things that are given license to move.  That is why the eyes twitch during a dream and the rest of the body is still.  Sleep paralysis occurs when the mind wakes up before it un-paralyzes the body.  More information on this can be found: Here. It is hard to describe what happens, but in my experience I am very aware of my surroundings.  I cannot move anything but my eyes and breathing is difficult or impossible.  Sometimes I hallucinate while paralyzed.  Here is one of those instances.

I am in high school and asleep in my bed downstairs.  The darkness of the predawn floods my room anticipating my 6:33 alarm.  I lay on my back in my heated waterbed dreaming diligently – when suddenly I awake.  I perceive my room.  It looks exactly as it did before my eyelids shut.  Immediately however, I feel the pressure.  My chest is heavy – as if someone where sitting on it.  My arms lay gently at my sides, my head facing up, my feet are barely touching.  I cannot move.  My eyes dart about hoping for a sign that I’m dreaming.

Before I get conformation, something catches my attention.  It is a horrid demon.  It is about the size of crafty animal – a fox, maybe a dog.  It is using small wings to fly around occupied with its devilish work.  The demon looks at me with an eye of fire and I know that it is Satan.  The beast continues flying around attending to cross-bows that are set up around my room.  They are all pointing precisely at my head.  I cannot see one bolt shaft, only the sharpened broadheads glistening at their’ ends.  I wrench hard against my cold shell, I beg God to set my body free.  My spirit collapses in defeat.  I am fixed, unmoving.  My soul is upset, it is overwhelmed by a strong since of wrong, of evil.  Satan has one eye on me and one on each weapon as he stretches the strings tight.  The traps are set.  The strands are taught.  I cannot decide which is worse, not being able to move, or not knowing when the arrows will be released.  They do not answer to me.  I feel no sense of God – only evil.  Satan is in control.  I tear, strain, and yank my body with my mind.  Not one movement, life is vulnerable.  A chill of terror clings to my bones.

This isn’t my first experience with sleep paralysis.  I know what to do, and what feels most natural is not it.  The more I attempt to contort my body the more I cannot move.  Here I go.  I look away from the flying beast and do the last thing that feels right.  I relax everything: muscles, tension, thoughts.  I focus solely on the command “wake up.”  I think of nothing else.  Starting softly I begin saying it louder and more forcefully – “wake up… Wake Up… WAKE UP!”

Fresh air slams into my lungs as I gasp, I sit up straight and rigid.  Everything is the same – the room, the lighting, my clock, and the time on it.  Satan is gone.  His traps are gone.  I try to catch my breath and notice that the evil is gone.  I am alone.  The absence of pure evil must be holiness. There is no dawn, only day and night.  My room is righteous, saintly.

Here is a painting by Alex Cannon That describes sleep paralysis perfectly.  This is a beautiful painting of a terrible thing.  Something one can only attempt to describe, through words or brush strokes.

Alex Cannon

By: Alex Cannon

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